What is the system requirement for XcreenKey Verti?
Mac OS 10.4.9 (Universal)
“Right clickable” mouse or tablet pen
How do I switch from character keys to numeric keys, and vice versa?
Right click on any character keys to switch to numeric keys, and vice versa.
How do I show or hide the tool tips next to the modifier keys?
Right click on any modifier keys to show or hide the tool tips next to the modifier keys..
Will XcreenKey Verti run on a Mac which does NOT have any hardware keyboard connected?
Yes. XcreenKey Verti will launch on any Mac without hardware keyboard connected. This makes XcreenKey Verti perfect for public kiosks or, for example, the ModBook.
Can I issue keyboard shortcut commands using XcreenKey Verti?
Yes. Just press the command "cmd" key on XcreenKey Verti and then other keys required to issue the shortcut command. For example, on XcreenKey Verti, press "cmd" then "shift" and then "3" for a screen shot. Or press "cmd" and then "q" to quit an application.
Does XcreenKey Verti support other system keyboard layouts than the U.S. keyboard layout?
Not fully supported. XcreenKey Verti currently works well with "U.S." and "British" keyboard layout. However, XcreenKey Verti has some limitation supporting keyboard layouts other than the "U.S." and "British". For example, you cannot type characters on the number keys in "French" layout. You may not want to consider XcreenKey Verti if you intend to use XcreenKey Verti mainly for input menus other than "U.S." and "British".
Will the XcreenKey Verti display changes according to the current system keyboard layout?
No. XcreenKey Verti currently only displays in U.S. layout. But XcreenKey Verti outputs characters according to the current system keyboard layout and input method. For example, if the system keyboard layout is "French", XcreenKey Verti will type "a" when you press the key "q" although the key "q" still shows "q". Also, pressing "shift" then "3" will type £ instead of # if the system keyboard layout is "British".
Can I type Chinese, Korean or Japanese using XcreenKey Verti?
Yes. You can type Chinese, Korean or Japanese using XcreenKey Verti. However, XcreenKey Verti currently only displays in U.S. layout.
Can I type special characters using the "option" key?
Not all. With XcreenKey Verti, you cannot type special characters associated with numeric keys, the "`" key, the "-" key and the "=" key using the "option" key. You can only type special characters associated with other keys (including "a" to "z") using the "option" key.
How about function keys?
XcreenKey Verti currently does NOT provide function-key capabilities.
Does XcreenKey Verti work with the Dashboard or password field for screen savers?
XcreenKey Verti supports typing in password field on screen savers. However, XcreenKey Verti currently does NOT work with Widgets on Dashboard.